JumpSport AustrIA

Fitness-Trampoline, die über Rebounding hinausgehen

Entdecken Sie den vielseitigsten Rebounder für Fitness-Gurus und Anfänger.
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JumpSport Fitness Austria

Vorteile des Reboundings

Das vielseitigste, effizienteste und effektivste Workout.

Not only does rebounding provide fun and engaging cardio workouts, but it also helps reduce blood pressure, improves overall circulation, and builds a stronger heart muscle.
Keep Your Body Young
Plyometric workouts with a rebounder protect joints, strengthen the musculoskelatal system, and encourage the regeneration of skin cells.
Lymphathic System
Rebounding serves as an effective way to detoxify the lymphatic system and invigorate the body down to the cellular level.
Wellness & Recovery
By utilizing low-impact exercises, rebounding allows for a total body workout, a quick recovery time, and reduced strain on joints.
Weight Loss
Rebounding improves metabolism and the resting metabolic rate which yields increased fat burn thoughout the day.
Balance & Mental Health
Rebounding builds balance by engaging core and stability muscles while also strengthening the inner ear muscle.
Rebounding bietet nicht nur spaßige und ansprechende Cardio-Workouts, sondern hilft auch, den Blutdruck zu senken, die Durchblutung zu verbessern und den Herzmuskel zu stärken.
Halte deinen Körper jung
plyometrische Workouts mit einem Rebounder schützen die Gelenke, stärken das muskuloskelettale System und fördern die Regeneration von Hautzellen.
Lymphatisches System
Rebounding dient als effektive Methode zur Entgiftung des lymphatischen Systems und zur Belebung des Körpers bis auf zellulärer Ebene.
Wellness und Erholung
durch die Nutzung von gelenkschonenden Übungen ermöglicht Rebounding ein Ganzkörper-Workout, eine schnelle Erholungszeit und verringert die Belastung der Gelenke.
Rebounding verbessert den Stoffwechsel und die Ruheumsatzrate, was zu einer erhöhten Fettverbrennung über den Tag hinweg führt.
Balance & Mental Health
Rebounding stärkt das Gleichgewicht, indem es die Kern- und Stabilisierungs-muskeln aktiviert und gleichzeitig den Muskel im Innenohr stärkt.
Vorteile des Reboundings


10% OFF

350 Fitness Trampoline

39" | 99cm

Die Wahl des Profis

4-Knoten-verstellbare Spannschnüre

Gewichtsbewertung: bis zu 275 Pfund | 125kg

34" / 86,36 cm verbesserte, flach liegende Rockmatte

as low as
€ 469,00 EUR
€ 469,00 EUR
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10% OFF

350 PRO Fitness Trampoline Black

39" | 99cm

Die Wahl des Profis

4-Knoten-verstellbare Spannschnüre

Gewichtsbewertung: bis 300lb | 136kg

35" | 88,9 cm verbesserte, flach liegende Rockmatte

as low as
€ 499,00 EUR
€ 499,00 EUR
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10% OFF

550 PRO CE Fitness Trampoline Black

44" | 112cm

Die Wahl des Profis

4-Knoten-verstellbare Spannschnüre

Gewichtsbewertung: bis 325lb | 147.5kg

40" / 101,6 cm verbesserte, flach liegende Rockmatte

as low as
€ 669,00 EUR
€ 669,00 EUR
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JumpSport Fitness Australia

Rebounding Benefits

The Most Versatile, Efficient, and Effective Workout.

Not only does rebounding provide fun and engaging cardio workouts, but it also helps reduce blood pressure, improves overall circulation, and builds a stronger heart muscle.
Keep Your Body Young
Plyometric workouts with a rebounder protect joints, strengthen the musculoskelatal system, and encourage the regeneration of skin cells.
Lymphathic System
Rebounding serves as an effective way to detoxify the lymphatic system and invigorate the body down to the cellular level.
Wellness & Recovery
By utilizing low-impact exercises, rebounding allows for a total body workout, a quick recovery time, and reduced strain on joints.
Weight Loss
Rebounding improves metabolism and the resting metabolic rate which yields increased fat burn thoughout the day.
Balance & Mental Health
Rebounding builds balance by engaging core and stability muscles while also strengthening the inner ear muscle.
Not only does rebounding provide fun and engaging cardio workouts, but it also helps reduce blood pressure, improves overall circulation, and builds a stronger heart muscle.
Keep Your Body Young
Plyometric workouts with a rebounder protect joints, strengthen the musculoskelatal system, and encourage the regeneration of skin cells.
Lymphathic System
Rebounding serves as an effective way to detoxify the lymphatic system and invigorate the body down to the cellular level.
Wellness & Recovery
By utilizing low-impact exercises, rebounding allows for a total body workout, a quick recovery time, and reduced strain on joints.
Weight Loss
Rebounding improves metabolism and the resting metabolic rate which yields increased fat burn thoughout the day.
Balance & Mental Health
Rebounding builds balance by engaging core and stability muscles while also strengthening the inner ear muscle.
Benefits of Rebounding

Top-Wahl der Profis

vorgestellt in

Wie sich Jumpsport-Trampoline unterscheiden

JumpSport Fitness Austria
Elastische Bänder
EnduroLast elastische Bänder sind glatt und leise, bieten Langlebigkeit und einen sanften Sprung, der für jedes Fitnessniveau anpassbar ist.
Gebogene Beine
jeder Rebounder ist mit gebogenen Beinen ausgestattet, die die Stabilität verbessern und ein Umkippen verhindern, was sicherere plyometrische Übungen ermöglicht.
Mehr Platz
die strapazierfähige Sprungfläche hat einen Netzrock, der über die Bänder reicht, um zusätzlichen Schutz und mehr Platz zum Springen zu bieten.
alle Modelle der Serie 300+ verfügen über verstärkte Nähte, hochwertige Materialien und verbesserte Lay-Flat-Matte-Technologie, die Bewegungsfreiheit und Haltbarkeit gewährleistet.
Elastic Cords
EnduroLast elastic cords are smooth and silent, providing longevity and a low-impact bounce that is customizable for every fitness level.
Arched Legs
Each rebounder comes equipped with arched legs which improve stability and prevent tipping, providing safer plyometrics.
More Space
The durable jumping surface has a mesh skirt which extends over the cords for increased protection and additional room to bounce.
All 300 series+ models feature reinforced stitching, premium materials and enhanced lay-flat mat technology granting freedom of movement and durability.

Top Rated Trampolines

& Accessories
JumpSport Fitness Australia
39" | 99cm
Most Popular
200 & 300 Series
200-300 lb Weight Rating
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JumpSport Fitness Australia
44" | 112cm
Firmest Bounce
400 & 500 Series
275-325 lb Weight Rating
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JumpSport Fitness Australia
Enhanced Versatility
Handle Bars, PlyoFit
Strength Training Kit and more
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entdecken Sie die Wissenschaft hinter Jump Sport Trampolinen und warum Fitness-Experten diese unseren Mitbewerbern empfehlen.

On Demand Trampoline Workouts

Access 2000+ hours of programming including classes from the best trampoline studios on the JumpSport Fitness TV app for IOS, Android Mobile, Apple TV, or Roku
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On Demand Trampoline Workouts

Access 2000+ hours of programming including classes from the best trampoline studios on the JumpSport Fitness TV app for IOS, Android Mobile, Apple TV, or Roku
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